10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8781 chivalries 6,078 acehilrsv 9 8,312
8782 normalizer 6,078 aeilmnorz 9 8,303
8783 deiformity 6,078 defimorty 9 8,313
8784 spongelike 6,078 egiklnops 9 8,311
8785 hylobatian 6,078 abhilnoty 9 8,308
8786 nonabusive 6,079 abeinosuv 9 8,300
8787 unvintaged 6,079 adegintuv 9 8,297
8788 signatural 6,079 agilnrstu 9 8,301
8789 waterbloom 6,079 abelmortw 9 8,302
8790 batrachoid 6,079 abcdhiort 9 8,298
8791 bewitchery 6,079 bcehirtwy 9 8,299
8792 epiphanous 6,080 aehinopsu 9 8,295
8793 quercitron 6,080 ceinoqrtu 9 8,296
8794 diumvirate 6,080 adeimrtuv 9 8,294
8795 restabbing 6,081 abeginrst 9 8,292
8796 inulaceous 6,081 aceilnosu 9 8,290
8797 ambivalent 6,081 abeilmntv 9 8,289
8798 eluviating 6,081 aegilntuv 9 8,291
8799 twelfhynde 6,081 defhlntwy 9 8,293
8800 asclepidin 6,082 acdeilnps 9 8,288