10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8881 metropolic 6,093 ceilmoprt 9 8,208
8882 misdealing 6,093 adegilmns 9 8,210
8883 pharmacies 6,093 acehimprs 9 8,204
8884 misaligned 6,093 adegilmns 9 8,209
8885 intrepidly 6,094 deilnprty 9 8,202
8886 immortable 6,094 abeilmort 9 8,200
8887 ankylotome 6,094 aeklmnoty 9 8,203
8888 insularize 6,094 aeilnrsuz 9 8,201
8889 bijections 6,095 bceijnost 9 8,197
8890 universals 6,095 aeilnrsuv 9 8,195
8891 knapbottle 6,095 abeklnopt 9 8,191
8892 unpastoral 6,095 alnoprstu 9 8,196
8893 ulatrophia 6,095 ahiloprtu 9 8,194
8894 magnifiers 6,095 aefgimnrs 9 8,193
8895 bishopweed 6,095 bdehiopsw 9 8,198
8896 spiflicate 6,095 acefilpst 9 8,199
8897 placentary 6,095 acelnprty 9 8,190
8898 leuckartia 6,095 aceiklrtu 9 8,192
8899 coagulated 6,096 acdeglotu 9 8,188
8900 morbidness 6,096 bdeimnors 9 8,184