10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9001 gaslighted 6,111 adeghilst 9 8,089
9002 megalithic 6,111 aceghilmt 9 8,087
9003 propensity 6,111 einoprsty 9 8,085
9004 virginhead 6,111 adeghinrv 9 8,084
9005 overturing 6,112 eginortuv 9 8,076
9006 moralistic 6,112 acilmorst 9 8,075
9007 gluttonize 6,112 egilnotuz 9 8,080
9008 cheilotomy 6,112 cehilmoty 9 8,083
9009 flyswatter 6,112 aeflrstwy 9 8,078
9010 unsizeable 6,112 abeilnsuz 9 8,073
9011 forsythias 6,112 afhiorsty 9 8,079
9012 untallowed 6,112 adelnotuw 9 8,074
9013 unroutable 6,112 abelnortu 9 8,071
9014 guanophore 6,112 aeghnopru 9 8,081
9015 randomizer 6,112 adeimnorz 9 8,070
9016 pandarctos 6,112 acdnoprst 9 8,077
9017 cardiopath 6,112 acdhioprt 9 8,082
9018 unseizable 6,112 abeilnsuz 9 8,072
9019 hemoptysis 6,113 ehimopsty 9 8,064
9020 recognized 6,113 cdeginorz 9 8,069