10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9461 skedgewith 6,178 deghikstw 9 7,623
9462 campesinos 6,178 aceimnops 9 7,620
9463 turnipwise 6,178 einprstuw 9 7,624
9464 guacharoes 6,178 aceghorsu 9 7,622
9465 nonmutable 6,178 abelmnotu 9 7,627
9466 aluminised 6,178 adeilmnsu 9 7,618
9467 calystegia 6,178 acegilsty 9 7,619
9468 ecphorable 6,178 abcehlopr 9 7,621
9469 unsharable 6,178 abehlnrsu 9 7,626
9470 unidealism 6,178 adeilmnsu 9 7,625
9471 confragose 6,179 acefgnors 9 7,617
9472 archdivine 6,179 acdehinrv 9 7,616
9473 dollarwise 6,180 adeilorsw 9 7,609
9474 induceable 6,180 abcdeilnu 9 7,611
9475 ascriptive 6,180 aceiprstv 9 7,615
9476 helicogyre 6,180 ceghilory 9 7,610
9477 ineducable 6,180 abcdeilnu 9 7,612
9478 kinescoped 6,180 cdeiknops 9 7,613
9479 lactucerin 6,180 aceilnrtu 9 7,614
9480 feminality 6,181 aefilmnty 9 7,608