11 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29041 neoterizing 7,746 eginortz 8 22,263
29042 menservants 7,746 aemnrstv 8 22,262
29043 nitrogenize 7,746 eginortz 8 22,264
29044 annihilator 7,746 ahilnort 8 22,260
29045 nothingness 7,747 eghinost 8 22,256
29046 acocanthera 7,747 acehnort 8 22,258
29047 festinating 7,747 aefginst 8 22,255
29048 bilertinned 7,747 bdeilnrt 8 22,259
29049 stepbrother 7,747 behoprst 8 22,257
29050 intraneural 7,747 aeilnrtu 8 22,253
29051 divestiture 7,747 deirstuv 8 22,254
29052 retrovision 7,748 einorstv 8 22,250
29053 inventional 7,748 aeilnotv 8 22,252
29054 semantician 7,748 aceimnst 8 22,251
29055 perihernial 7,749 aehilnpr 8 22,244
29056 unshuttered 7,749 dehnrstu 8 22,246
29057 molarimeter 7,749 aeilmort 8 22,243
29058 soothsayers 7,749 aehorsty 8 22,247
29059 desilicated 7,749 acdeilst 8 22,249
29060 unicarinate 7,749 aceinrtu 8 22,245