12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26321 reattachment 9,179 acehmnrt 8 20,456
26322 recelebrates 9,180 abcelrst 8 20,455
26323 electiveness 9,180 ceilnstv 8 20,454
26324 exenterating 9,181 aeginrtx 8 20,452
26325 heterotactic 9,181 acehiort 8 20,453
26326 nonfederated 9,182 adefnort 8 20,451
26327 terfeziaceae 9,183 acefirtz 8 20,450
26328 interminated 9,183 adeimnrt 8 20,449
26329 neurotension 9,184 einorstu 8 20,448
26330 triternately 9,185 aeilnrty 8 20,447
26331 argentineans 9,187 aeginrst 8 20,445
26332 exteriorness 9,187 einorstx 8 20,446
26333 nonresidents 9,188 deinorst 8 20,444
26334 apaesthetize 9,190 aehipstz 8 20,443
26335 heterotricha 9,194 acehiort 8 20,440
26336 shatterpated 9,194 adehprst 8 20,442
26337 photostatter 9,194 aehoprst 8 20,441
26338 litterateurs 9,195 aeilrstu 8 20,438
26339 tetrahedroid 9,195 adehiort 8 20,439
26340 internalness 9,198 aeilnrst 8 20,437