12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores
# | Word | Frequency Score | Letters (Alpha) | Unique Letter Count | Ranking (Len) |
26841 |
unrancourous |
6,705 |
acnorsu |
7 |
28,537 |
26842 |
bisischiadic |
6,707 |
abcdhis |
7 |
28,536 |
26843 |
beglerbeglic |
6,710 |
bcegilr |
7 |
28,535 |
26844 |
spongiopilin |
6,712 |
gilnops |
7 |
28,534 |
26845 |
unsensuously |
6,717 |
elnosuy |
7 |
28,533 |
26846 |
classicising |
6,727 |
acgilns |
7 |
28,532 |
26847 |
salpiglossis |
6,735 |
agilops |
7 |
28,531 |
26848 |
unsonorously |
6,737 |
lnorsuy |
7 |
28,530 |
26849 |
archipallial |
6,739 |
achilpr |
7 |
28,529 |
26850 |
gonopodpodia |
6,741 |
adginop |
7 |
28,528 |
26851 |
protococcoid |
6,742 |
cdioprt |
7 |
28,527 |
26852 |
alkalifiable |
6,742 |
abefikl |
7 |
28,526 |
26853 |
chalcolithic |
6,745 |
achilot |
7 |
28,524 |
26854 |
dillydallier |
6,745 |
adeilry |
7 |
28,525 |
26855 |
aggrandising |
6,747 |
adginrs |
7 |
28,523 |
26856 |
sociological |
6,747 |
acgilos |
7 |
28,522 |
26857 |
landladyhood |
6,750 |
adhlnoy |
7 |
28,520 |
26858 |
styloglossal |
6,750 |
aglosty |
7 |
28,521 |
26859 |
guillotining |
6,751 |
gilnotu |
7 |
28,519 |
26860 |
uniniquitous |
6,764 |
inoqstu |
7 |
28,518 |