12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores
# | Word | Frequency Score | Letters (Alpha) | Unique Letter Count | Ranking (Len) |
27541 |
proteopectic |
7,999 |
ceioprt |
7 |
27,837 |
27542 |
adamantinoma |
8,001 |
adimnot |
7 |
27,836 |
27543 |
ineliminable |
8,005 |
abeilmn |
7 |
27,834 |
27544 |
annihilating |
8,005 |
aghilnt |
7 |
27,835 |
27545 |
secludedness |
8,006 |
cdelnsu |
7 |
27,833 |
27546 |
eccentricity |
8,007 |
ceinrty |
7 |
27,832 |
27547 |
nonanimating |
8,008 |
agimnot |
7 |
27,831 |
27548 |
coffeehouses |
8,009 |
cefhosu |
7 |
27,830 |
27549 |
noncontagion |
8,011 |
acginot |
7 |
27,829 |
27550 |
proportioner |
8,012 |
einoprt |
7 |
27,827 |
27551 |
reproportion |
8,012 |
einoprt |
7 |
27,828 |
27552 |
legibilities |
8,014 |
begilst |
7 |
27,826 |
27553 |
isolinolenic |
8,016 |
ceilnos |
7 |
27,825 |
27554 |
overpressure |
8,017 |
eoprsuv |
7 |
27,824 |
27555 |
paramastitis |
8,019 |
aimprst |
7 |
27,823 |
27556 |
propitiation |
8,022 |
ainoprt |
7 |
27,822 |
27557 |
nonoxidation |
8,022 |
adinotx |
7 |
27,821 |
27558 |
isoindigotin |
8,023 |
dginost |
7 |
27,820 |
27559 |
stromatopora |
8,023 |
amoprst |
7 |
27,819 |
27560 |
reirrigating |
8,024 |
aeginrt |
7 |
27,818 |