12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28081 keratectacia 8,604 aceikrt 7 27,297
28082 bootlessness 8,604 belnost 7 27,296
28083 decancellate 8,605 acdelnt 7 27,295
28084 surreverence 8,607 cenrsuv 7 27,294
28085 hallstattian 8,608 ahilnst 7 27,293
28086 speciosities 8,612 ceiopst 7 27,290
28087 pregnenolone 8,612 eglnopr 7 27,291
28088 ratiocinator 8,612 acinort 7 27,292
28089 foredeserved 8,613 deforsv 7 27,289
28090 irritomotile 8,614 eilmort 7 27,288
28091 tannogallate 8,615 aeglnot 7 27,287
28092 gallotannate 8,615 aeglnot 7 27,286
28093 irremediless 8,619 deilmrs 7 27,285
28094 seductresses 8,621 cderstu 7 27,284
28095 titillations 8,622 ailnost 7 27,282
28096 italianately 8,622 aeilnty 7 27,283
28097 unreferenced 8,623 cdefnru 7 27,281
28098 globetrotter 8,624 beglort 7 27,280
28099 recorrection 8,624 ceinort 7 27,278
28100 correctioner 8,624 ceinort 7 27,279