12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
7681 mesognathism 7,691 aeghimnost 10 5,037
7682 downtreading 7,691 adeginortw 10 5,042
7683 pulverescent 7,691 celnprstuv 10 5,038
7684 colegislator 7,691 acegilorst 10 5,041
7685 siderophilin 7,692 dehilnoprs 10 5,033
7686 omnispective 7,692 ceimnopstv 10 5,036
7687 uncraftiness 7,692 acefinrstu 10 5,034
7688 estimatingly 7,692 aegilmnsty 10 5,035
7689 rheoplankton 7,693 aehklnoprt 10 5,026
7690 archimycetes 7,693 acehimrsty 10 5,031
7691 mercantilely 7,693 aceilmnrty 10 5,027
7692 adjectitious 7,693 acdeijostu 10 5,030
7693 postflection 7,693 cefilnopst 10 5,025
7694 horsemanship 7,693 aehimnoprs 10 5,028
7695 componential 7,693 aceilmnopt 10 5,032
7696 ideoplastics 7,693 acdeilopst 10 5,029
7697 explementary 7,694 aelmnprtxy 10 5,023
7698 superlatives 7,694 aeilprstuv 10 5,024
7699 dermabrasion 7,694 abdeimnors 10 5,022
7700 contravening 7,695 aceginortv 10 5,020