13 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
4441 psychanalytic 6,724 achilnpsty 10 10,211
4442 scalariformly 6,724 acfilmorsy 10 10,212
4443 sanctifyingly 6,726 acfgilnsty 10 10,210
4444 panegyrically 6,728 acegilnpry 10 10,209
4445 unmiscarrying 6,730 acgimnrsuy 10 10,208
4446 chondrography 6,730 acdghnopry 10 10,206
4447 uncomplaining 6,730 acgilmnopu 10 10,207
4448 soporifically 6,730 acfiloprsy 10 10,205
4449 lymphatolysis 6,730 ahilmopsty 10 10,204
4450 multiplicable 6,731 abceilmptu 10 10,203
4451 unchronically 6,732 achilnoruy 10 10,202
4452 unsagaciously 6,733 acgilnosuy 10 10,200
4453 proconsulship 6,733 chilnoprsu 10 10,201
4454 unlaboriously 6,736 abilnorsuy 10 10,199
4455 scribophilous 6,736 bchiloprsu 10 10,198
4456 chylificatory 6,738 acfhilorty 10 10,197
4457 dehumidifying 6,739 defghimnuy 10 10,196
4458 preoccupiedly 6,740 cdeilopruy 10 10,195
4459 communalising 6,742 acgilmnosu 10 10,194
4460 explicability 6,743 abceilptxy 10 10,193