13 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
8881 galactosidase 8,607 acdegilost 10 5,772
8882 subhatcheries 8,607 abcehirstu 10 5,770
8883 disentrancing 8,607 acdeginrst 10 5,771
8884 overrighteous 8,607 eghiorstuv 10 5,769
8885 overinsurance 8,607 aceinorsuv 10 5,768
8886 prepositional 8,609 aeilnoprst 10 5,767
8887 overfrailness 8,609 aefilnorsv 10 5,766
8888 nonexecutable 8,609 abcelnotux 10 5,765
8889 exasperatedly 8,610 adelprstxy 10 5,762
8890 hexoctahedral 8,610 acdehlortx 10 5,761
8891 uncontestedly 8,610 cdelnostuy 10 5,764
8892 philotechnist 8,610 cehilnopst 10 5,763
8893 tallowberries 8,611 abeilorstw 10 5,759
8894 resuscitating 8,611 aceginrstu 10 5,757
8895 habronemiasis 8,611 abehimnors 10 5,760
8896 carpentership 8,611 acehinprst 10 5,758
8897 preobtainable 8,612 abeilnoprt 10 5,756
8898 preindicative 8,612 acdeinprtv 10 5,755
8899 nonmagnetized 8,613 adegimnotz 10 5,754
8900 erythrolitmin 8,613 ehilmnorty 10 5,753