13 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
10341 sullenhearted 9,361 adehlnrstu 10 4,313
10342 antherogenous 9,365 aeghnorstu 10 4,311
10343 tracheotomist 9,365 acehimorst 10 4,310
10344 transsocietal 9,367 aceilnorst 10 4,309
10345 nontelepathic 9,368 acehilnopt 10 4,308
10346 alteregoistic 9,368 acegilorst 10 4,307
10347 incontestable 9,371 abceilnost 10 4,305
10348 revelationize 9,371 aeilnortvz 10 4,306
10349 kathenotheism 9,372 aehikmnost 10 4,304
10350 nonpermeative 9,373 aeimnoprtv 10 4,303
10351 urethropenile 9,374 ehilnoprtu 10 4,302
10352 antimodernist 9,377 adeimnorst 10 4,301
10353 unforeseeable 9,378 abeflnorsu 10 4,300
10354 theatromaniac 9,378 acehimnort 10 4,299
10355 enteromyiasis 9,381 aeimnorsty 10 4,298
10356 leiotrichidae 9,382 acdehilort 10 4,297
10357 unearthliness 9,383 aehilnrstu 10 4,296
10358 sheepstealing 9,385 aeghilnpst 10 4,295
10359 sequestration 9,387 aeinoqrstu 10 4,293
10360 indoctrinates 9,387 acdeinorst 10 4,294