14 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1941 uncommerciable 7,911 abceilmnoru 11 3,771
1942 magnicaudatous 7,911 acdgimnostu 11 3,770
1943 nondichogamous 7,912 acdghimnosu 11 3,768
1944 dermorhynchous 7,912 cdehmnorsuy 11 3,769
1945 noncombustible 7,913 bceilmnostu 11 3,767
1946 unaggressively 7,914 aegilnrsuvy 11 3,766
1947 effervescingly 7,916 cefgilnrsvy 11 3,764
1948 suspendibility 7,916 bdeilnpstuy 11 3,765
1949 pharmacopolist 7,917 achilmoprst 11 3,763
1950 rhynchocephali 7,919 acehilnopry 11 3,762
1951 unadulterously 7,920 adelnorstuy 11 3,761
1952 unconsummative 7,921 aceimnostuv 11 3,759
1953 cuprobismutite 7,921 bceimoprstu 11 3,760
1954 splanchnodynia 7,922 acdhilnopsy 11 3,757
1955 pseudoleukemic 7,922 cdeiklmopsu 11 3,756
1956 ultrasonically 7,922 acilnorstuy 11 3,758
1957 quadriloculate 7,923 acdeiloqrtu 11 3,755
1958 slaughterously 7,928 aeghlorstuy 11 3,754
1959 simplificative 7,929 acefilmpstv 11 3,753
1960 secundiflorous 7,929 cdefilnorsu 11 3,752