10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20381 trumperies 6,608 eimprstu 8 20,384
20382 taintproof 6,608 afinoprt 8 20,379
20383 parasitoid 6,608 adioprst 8 20,387
20384 checkstone 6,608 cehknost 8 20,388
20385 kamarezite 6,608 aeikmrtz 8 20,382
20386 fanglement 6,608 aefglmnt 8 20,381
20387 birational 6,608 abilnort 8 20,380
20388 stercorary 6,608 aceorsty 8 20,378
20389 resolutely 6,607 elorstuy 8 20,392
20390 sinuatrial 6,607 ailnrstu 8 20,394
20391 doctorless 6,607 cdelorst 8 20,395
20392 englishmen 6,607 eghilmns 8 20,396
20393 hyperaemia 6,607 aehimpry 8 20,390
20394 saponifies 6,607 aefinops 8 20,393
20395 langbanite 6,607 abegilnt 8 20,391
20396 hemogenous 6,607 eghmnosu 8 20,389
20397 woolshears 6,607 aehlorsw 8 20,397
20398 dissociant 6,606 acdinost 8 20,400
20399 creepmouse 6,606 cemoprsu 8 20,399
20400 hildegarde 6,606 adeghilr 8 20,398