10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20421 shortcomer 6,604 cehmorst 8 20,417
20422 irefulness 6,604 efilnrsu 8 20,419
20423 outbreaker 6,604 abekortu 8 20,421
20424 recruitors 6,604 ceiorstu 8 20,423
20425 lionfishes 6,603 efhilnos 8 20,426
20426 broodiness 6,603 bdeinors 8 20,428
20427 cogitators 6,603 acgiorst 8 20,429
20428 hightailed 6,603 adeghilt 8 20,425
20429 nightstool 6,603 ghilnost 8 20,427
20430 convertive 6,603 ceinortv 8 20,430
20431 disconnect 6,603 cdeinost 8 20,431
20432 contending 6,602 cdeginot 8 20,432
20433 temperedly 6,602 delmprty 8 20,437
20434 oceanicity 6,602 aceinoty 8 20,440
20435 metrologue 6,602 eglmortu 8 20,439
20436 unentombed 6,602 bdemnotu 8 20,435
20437 calypterae 6,602 acelprty 8 20,438
20438 tetraptych 6,602 acehprty 8 20,434
20439 veszelyite 6,602 eilstvyz 8 20,436
20440 poorliness 6,602 eilnoprs 8 20,433