10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20661 misrealize 6,574 aeilmrsz 8 20,659
20662 unhardness 6,574 adehnrsu 8 20,658
20663 castrating 6,574 acginrst 8 20,653
20664 masturbate 6,574 abemrstu 8 20,665
20665 outyielded 6,574 deilotuy 8 20,661
20666 confronted 6,573 cdefnort 8 20,670
20667 concierges 6,573 ceginors 8 20,669
20668 obnebulate 6,573 abelnotu 8 20,671
20669 pseudocele 6,573 cdelopsu 8 20,667
20670 takingness 6,573 aegiknst 8 20,672
20671 downtrends 6,573 denorstw 8 20,666
20672 cavaliered 6,573 acdeilrv 8 20,668
20673 gillhooter 6,572 eghilort 8 20,677
20674 patellidan 6,572 adeilnpt 8 20,679
20675 presternum 6,572 emnprstu 8 20,675
20676 trappiness 6,572 aeinprst 8 20,678
20677 reconciled 6,572 cdeilnor 8 20,676
20678 preexilian 6,572 aeilnprx 8 20,674
20679 phenotypes 6,572 ehnopsty 8 20,673
20680 carangidae 6,572 acdeginr 8 20,680