10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20681 insolating 6,571 agilnost 8 20,681
20682 naturopath 6,571 ahnoprtu 8 20,682
20683 reinfusion 6,570 efinorsu 8 20,685
20684 unelectric 6,570 ceilnrtu 8 20,687
20685 versecraft 6,570 acefrstv 8 20,688
20686 increasing 6,570 aceginrs 8 20,686
20687 pitchiness 6,570 cehinpst 8 20,684
20688 emphyteuta 6,570 aehmptuy 8 20,683
20689 voltairian 6,570 ailnortv 8 20,689
20690 gratulated 6,569 adeglrtu 8 20,691
20691 honourless 6,569 ehlnorsu 8 20,694
20692 captivates 6,569 aceipstv 8 20,693
20693 thrippence 6,569 cehinprt 8 20,690
20694 alphosises 6,569 aehilops 8 20,696
20695 onstanding 6,569 adginost 8 20,692
20696 reanalyzes 6,569 aelnrsyz 8 20,698
20697 leuchaemia 6,569 acehilmu 8 20,695
20698 bathhouses 6,569 abehostu 8 20,697
20699 alcoholise 6,568 acehilos 8 20,704
20700 pyrometers 6,568 emoprsty 8 20,699