10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16661 eradiating 7,130 adeginrt 8 16,661
16662 sheetflood 7,130 defhlost 8 16,666
16663 erethismic 7,130 cehimrst 8 16,662
16664 roumeliote 7,130 eilmortu 8 16,665
16665 rhyniaceae 7,130 acehinry 8 16,660
16666 grantiidae 7,130 adeginrt 8 16,664
16667 hetericism 7,130 cehimrst 8 16,667
16668 resignment 7,129 egimnrst 8 16,668
16669 vestmental 7,129 aelmnstv 8 16,670
16670 vicegerent 7,129 ceginrtv 8 16,671
16671 bosselated 7,129 abdelost 8 16,669
16672 viceregent 7,129 ceginrtv 8 16,672
16673 dynastinae 7,128 adeinsty 8 16,675
16674 notionable 7,128 abeilnot 8 16,674
16675 economiser 7,128 ceimnors 8 16,676
16676 intercanal 7,128 aceilnrt 8 16,673
16677 eigenspace 7,128 aceginps 8 16,677
16678 anatreptic 7,127 aceinprt 8 16,678
16679 strigilate 7,127 aegilrst 8 16,679
16680 dictatress 7,126 acdeirst 8 16,680