10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16681 planeshear 7,125 aehlnprs 8 16,682
16682 interwoven 7,125 einortvw 8 16,683
16683 erythremia 7,125 aehimrty 8 16,686
16684 centeredly 7,125 cdelnrty 8 16,681
16685 listenable 7,125 abeilnst 8 16,684
16686 anacahuite 7,125 acehintu 8 16,685
16687 colletidae 7,124 acdeilot 8 16,689
16688 antipleion 7,124 aeilnopt 8 16,691
16689 insinuated 7,124 adeinstu 8 16,693
16690 blattoidea 7,124 abdeilot 8 16,692
16691 antilopine 7,124 aeilnopt 8 16,690
16692 overtoiled 7,124 deilortv 8 16,688
16693 reutilised 7,124 deilrstu 8 16,687
16694 enraptures 7,123 aenprstu 8 16,695
16695 acetonemic 7,123 aceimnot 8 16,698
16696 relevances 7,123 acelnrsv 8 16,697
16697 anthophore 7,123 aehnoprt 8 16,699
16698 moderniser 7,123 deimnors 8 16,694
16699 breathless 7,123 abehlrst 8 16,700
16700 foregather 7,123 aefghort 8 16,696