10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18361 reprobated 6,861 abdeoprt 8 18,363
18362 infections 6,861 cefinost 8 18,372
18363 withinside 6,861 dehinstw 8 18,376
18364 monogenist 6,861 egimnost 8 18,367
18365 giftedness 6,861 defginst 8 18,357
18366 indusiated 6,861 adeinstu 8 18,371
18367 siphoniata 6,861 ahinopst 8 18,364
18368 peasantism 6,861 aeimnpst 8 18,370
18369 intimately 6,861 aeilmnty 8 18,373
18370 archespore 6,861 acehoprs 8 18,355
18371 protocneme 6,861 cemnoprt 8 18,360
18372 mecopteron 6,861 cemnoprt 8 18,375
18373 eugenicist 6,861 ceginstu 8 18,356
18374 launderers 6,861 adelnrsu 8 18,374
18375 nomogenist 6,861 egimnost 8 18,368
18376 coidentity 6,861 cdeinoty 8 18,366
18377 indubitate 6,860 abdeintu 8 18,387
18378 thomsonian 6,860 ahimnost 8 18,380
18379 aftercomer 6,860 acefmort 8 18,382
18380 premeiotic 6,860 ceimoprt 8 18,385