10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18401 unfootsore 6,859 efnorstu 8 18,396
18402 nonmineral 6,859 aeilmnor 8 18,393
18403 manchineel 6,859 acehilmn 8 18,403
18404 avanturine 6,858 aeinrtuv 8 18,407
18405 inerrantly 6,858 aeilnrty 8 18,404
18406 comandante 6,858 acdemnot 8 18,411
18407 singletons 6,858 egilnost 8 18,405
18408 geminative 6,858 aegimntv 8 18,409
18409 cochleated 6,858 acdehlot 8 18,410
18410 slingstone 6,858 egilnost 8 18,406
18411 dissipater 6,858 adeiprst 8 18,408
18412 eoghanacht 6,857 aceghnot 8 18,417
18413 metacrasis 6,857 aceimrst 8 18,415
18414 interparty 6,857 aeinprty 8 18,414
18415 paradental 6,857 adelnprt 8 18,416
18416 acetamidin 6,857 acdeimnt 8 18,412
18417 beautifier 6,857 abefirtu 8 18,413
18418 adventurer 6,856 adenrtuv 8 18,420
18419 triumfetta 6,856 aefimrtu 8 18,423
18420 asthmatoid 6,856 adhimost 8 18,421