10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19141 fustanelle 6,763 aeflnstu 8 19,147
19142 standpoint 6,763 adinopst 8 19,138
19143 pertaining 6,763 aeginprt 8 19,143
19144 lateraling 6,763 aegilnrt 8 19,145
19145 concretive 6,763 ceinortv 8 19,141
19146 opalinidae 6,763 adeilnop 8 19,140
19147 repainting 6,763 aeginprt 8 19,144
19148 ultrasuede 6,762 adelrstu 8 19,151
19149 secularise 6,762 aceilrsu 8 19,149
19150 undeceives 6,762 cdeinsuv 8 19,152
19151 trimesinic 6,762 ceimnrst 8 19,150
19152 contraltos 6,762 aclnorst 8 19,154
19153 disserting 6,762 deginrst 8 19,148
19154 cashkeeper 6,762 acehkprs 8 19,153
19155 katabolite 6,761 abeiklot 8 19,159
19156 caswellite 6,761 aceilstw 8 19,155
19157 encashable 6,761 abcehlns 8 19,157
19158 automotive 6,761 aeimotuv 8 19,158
19159 socialness 6,761 aceilnos 8 19,156
19160 phocaenina 6,760 acehinop 8 19,165