10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19181 pastorless 6,758 aeloprst 8 19,183
19182 joltheaded 6,758 adehjlot 8 19,176
19183 accoutered 6,758 acdeortu 8 19,181
19184 replevined 6,757 deilnprv 8 19,193
19185 channelure 6,757 acehlnru 8 19,187
19186 undeparted 6,757 adenprtu 8 19,192
19187 endocardia 6,757 acdeinor 8 19,186
19188 antifebrin 6,757 abefinrt 8 19,191
19189 dunderpate 6,757 adenprtu 8 19,184
19190 ciceronage 6,757 aceginor 8 19,188
19191 echeloning 6,757 ceghilno 8 19,185
19192 investible 6,757 beilnstv 8 19,189
19193 malevolent 6,757 aelmnotv 8 19,190
19194 appertains 6,756 aeinprst 8 19,203
19195 antisocial 6,756 acilnost 8 19,202
19196 involatile 6,756 aeilnotv 8 19,199
19197 lymnaeidae 6,756 adeilmny 8 19,201
19198 fellatrice 6,756 acefilrt 8 19,197
19199 heparinize 6,756 aehinprz 8 19,198
19200 calamities 6,756 aceilmst 8 19,204