18 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
341 palaeodendrologist 11,943 adegilnoprst 12 341
342 trachelectomopexia 11,911 acehilmoprtx 12 342
343 predissatisfaction 11,903 acdefinoprst 12 343
344 palaeodictyopteran 11,900 acdeilnoprty 12 344
345 pseudoenthusiastic 11,898 acdehinopstu 12 345
346 inconsequentiality 11,889 aceilnoqstuy 12 346
347 preindemnification 11,881 acdefimnoprt 12 347
348 counterstimulation 11,868 aceilmnorstu 12 348
349 dihydronaphthalene 11,860 adehilnoprty 12 349
350 interchangeability 11,857 abceghilnrty 12 350
351 palaeodictyopteron 11,856 acdeilnoprty 12 351
352 intercostobrachial 11,852 abcehilnorst 12 352
353 osseocartilaginous 11,843 acegilnorstu 12 353
354 hypersentimentally 11,842 aehilmnprsty 12 354
355 hepatoduodenostomy 11,829 adehmnopstuy 12 355
356 hypercholesteremic 11,827 cehilmoprsty 12 356
357 hypertechnicalness 11,824 acehilnprsty 12 357
358 acrotrophoneurosis 11,817 acehinoprstu 12 358
359 uncontemptibleness 11,815 bceilmnopstu 12 359
360 anticonservatively 11,800 aceilnorstvy 12 360