18 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
361 semifigurativeness 11,795 aefgimnrstuv 12 361
362 nontransferability 11,781 abefilnorsty 12 362
363 hysterocrystalline 11,771 acehilnorsty 12 363
364 semirespectability 11,761 abceilmprsty 12 364
365 spectrofluorimeter 11,757 cefilmoprstu 12 365
366 unltraconservative 11,748 aceilnorstuv 12 366
367 dispersonification 11,747 acdefinoprst 12 367
368 nondiversification 11,743 acdefinorstv 12 368
369 triakisicosahedral 11,731 acdehiklorst 12 369
370 unreproachableness 11,728 abcehlnoprsu 12 370
371 adenocarcinomatous 11,726 acdeimnorstu 12 371
372 hemibasidiomycetes 11,722 abcdehimosty 12 372
373 nontransgressively 11,721 aegilnorstvy 12 373
374 pseudointellectual 11,715 acdeilnopstu 12 374
375 autobasidiomycetes 11,714 abcdeimostuy 12 375
376 antianaphylactogen 11,711 aceghilnopty 12 376
377 nonintrospectively 11,710 ceilnoprstvy 12 377
378 nonprognosticative 11,682 aceginoprstv 12 378
379 ultraconservatives 11,681 aceilnorstuv 12 380
380 overdiscrimination 11,681 acdeimnorstv 12 379