10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25001 intrapolar 6,512 ailnoprt 8 21,172
25002 allergists 6,512 aegilrst 8 21,169
25003 premarital 6,512 aeilmprt 8 21,174
25004 alexandria 6,513 adeilnrx 8 21,167
25005 wanderable 6,513 abdelnrw 8 21,166
25006 keratotomy 6,513 aekmorty 8 21,164
25007 signwriter 6,513 eginrstw 8 21,165
25008 officiates 6,513 acefiost 8 21,163
25009 misreports 6,514 eimoprst 8 21,160
25010 unbeaconed 6,514 abcdenou 8 21,156
25011 epiglottal 6,514 aegilopt 8 21,153
25012 pedologies 6,514 degilops 8 21,162
25013 aprication 6,514 acinoprt 8 21,159
25014 hindustani 6,514 adhinstu 8 21,155
25015 overlinger 6,514 egilnorv 8 21,161
25016 gramercies 6,514 acegimrs 8 21,154
25017 allergenic 6,514 acegilnr 8 21,158
25018 accruement 6,514 acemnrtu 8 21,157
25019 similative 6,515 aeilmstv 8 21,141
25020 gutterlike 6,515 egiklrtu 8 21,152