10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25041 lacinulate 6,517 aceilntu 8 21,130
25042 overdemand 6,517 ademnorv 8 21,123
25043 maintopmen 6,517 aeimnopt 8 21,131
25044 gatewaymen 6,517 aegmntwy 8 21,127
25045 jeremianic 6,517 aceijmnr 8 21,129
25046 tangipahoa 6,517 aghinopt 8 21,122
25047 summertide 6,517 deimrstu 8 21,121
25048 farmsteads 6,517 adefmrst 8 21,125
25049 refundment 6,517 defmnrtu 8 21,124
25050 gashliness 6,517 aeghilns 8 21,126
25051 stairwells 6,518 aeilrstw 8 21,120
25052 readjusted 6,518 adejrstu 8 21,118
25053 semichrome 6,518 cehimors 8 21,119
25054 fringeless 6,519 efgilnrs 8 21,111
25055 metrectopy 6,519 cemoprty 8 21,117
25056 impresario 6,519 aeimoprs 8 21,112
25057 infectible 6,519 bcefilnt 8 21,113
25058 fingerless 6,519 efgilnrs 8 21,110
25059 substation 6,519 abinostu 8 21,116
25060 leporicide 6,519 cdeilopr 8 21,114