10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25181 traumatize 6,535 aeimrtuz 8 20,987
25182 epagomenal 6,535 aeglmnop 8 20,985
25183 leukorrhea 6,535 aehkloru 8 20,984
25184 flightiest 6,535 efghilst 8 20,986
25185 reroyalize 6,535 aeiloryz 8 20,983
25186 barrelwise 6,535 abeilrsw 8 20,992
25187 nontenably 6,535 abelnoty 8 20,989
25188 aragonitic 6,535 acginort 8 20,991
25189 trierarchy 6,535 acehirty 8 20,988
25190 ascomycete 6,536 acemosty 8 20,980
25191 interppled 6,536 deilnprt 8 20,976
25192 omnivident 6,536 deimnotv 8 20,977
25193 admittible 6,536 abdeilmt 8 20,979
25194 devitalize 6,536 adeiltvz 8 20,978
25195 prevacated 6,536 acdeprtv 8 20,981
25196 sandroller 6,537 adelnors 8 20,972
25197 spindliest 6,537 deilnpst 8 20,973
25198 bitchiness 6,537 bcehinst 8 20,969
25199 frithstool 6,537 fhilorst 8 20,975
25200 inhibitors 6,537 bhinorst 8 20,970