10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25121 portalless 6,528 aeloprst 8 21,049
25122 diversions 6,528 deinorsv 8 21,050
25123 robotesque 6,528 beoqrstu 8 21,047
25124 managerial 6,528 aegilmnr 8 21,048
25125 apprehends 6,529 adehnprs 8 21,042
25126 biparietal 6,529 abeilprt 8 21,043
25127 unenlarged 6,529 adeglnru 8 21,039
25128 unskewered 6,529 deknrsuw 8 21,041
25129 univoltine 6,529 eilnotuv 8 21,040
25130 odontalgia 6,529 adgilnot 8 21,037
25131 plecoptera 6,529 aceloprt 8 21,045
25132 dextrinize 6,529 deinrtxz 8 21,046
25133 pearmonger 6,529 aegmnopr 8 21,038
25134 insouciant 6,529 acinostu 8 21,033
25135 obituarist 6,529 abiorstu 8 21,036
25136 calamaries 6,529 aceilmrs 8 21,044
25137 mesaraical 6,529 aceilmrs 8 21,034
25138 myogenesis 6,529 egimnosy 8 21,035
25139 stockiness 6,530 ceiknost 8 21,025
25140 dermohemal 6,530 adehlmor 8 21,029