10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25301 bednighted 6,548 bdeghint 8 20,870
25302 wheelmaker 6,549 aehklmrw 8 20,869
25303 rediscover 6,549 cdeiorsv 8 20,865
25304 cratometry 6,549 acemorty 8 20,867
25305 discoverer 6,549 cdeiorsv 8 20,868
25306 shriftless 6,549 efhilrst 8 20,863
25307 refugeeism 6,549 efgimrsu 8 20,866
25308 prehandled 6,549 adehlnpr 8 20,864
25309 bouleverse 6,550 belorsuv 8 20,862
25310 belemnitic 6,550 bceilmnt 8 20,861
25311 daredevils 6,550 adeilrsv 8 20,859
25312 attachedly 6,550 acdehlty 8 20,860
25313 haughtness 6,550 aeghnstu 8 20,858
25314 dragonhead 6,550 adeghnor 8 20,856
25315 mainpernor 6,550 aeimnopr 8 20,855
25316 evanescing 6,550 aceginsv 8 20,857
25317 adhibition 6,551 abdhinot 8 20,852
25318 diseaseful 6,551 adefilsu 8 20,847
25319 stagnatory 6,551 agnorsty 8 20,850
25320 samogitian 6,551 agimnost 8 20,848