10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25361 aviatrixes 6,556 aeirstvx 8 20,814
25362 autarchist 6,556 achirstu 8 20,813
25363 timeworker 6,556 eikmortw 8 20,810
25364 clorinator 6,557 acilnort 8 20,803
25365 pendanting 6,557 adeginpt 8 20,807
25366 plastosome 6,557 aelmopst 8 20,805
25367 convertors 6,557 cenorstv 8 20,804
25368 ahepatokla 6,557 aehklopt 8 20,806
25369 reduceable 6,558 abcdelru 8 20,789
25370 martialled 6,558 adeilmrt 8 20,802
25371 tidingless 6,558 degilnst 8 20,794
25372 trifurcate 6,558 acefirtu 8 20,796
25373 topologies 6,558 egilopst 8 20,795
25374 malladrite 6,558 adeilmrt 8 20,800
25375 mallardite 6,558 adeilmrt 8 20,801
25376 reguardant 6,558 adegnrtu 8 20,790
25377 nonmelting 6,558 egilmnot 8 20,797
25378 teazelling 6,558 aegilntz 8 20,793
25379 desquamate 6,558 ademqstu 8 20,792
25380 armillated 6,558 adeilmrt 8 20,799