10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25961 chandelles 6,630 acdehlns 8 20,209
25962 pleonectic 6,630 ceilnopt 8 20,207
25963 wholesomer 6,630 ehlmorsw 8 20,210
25964 hungerroot 6,630 eghnortu 8 20,213
25965 changeless 6,631 aceghlns 8 20,200
25966 epithalami 6,631 aehilmpt 8 20,197
25967 nonaligned 6,631 adegilno 8 20,198
25968 disilicane 6,631 acdeilns 8 20,203
25969 nonspatial 6,631 ailnopst 8 20,199
25970 inflection 6,631 cefilnot 8 20,205
25971 deathwards 6,631 adehrstw 8 20,202
25972 redivision 6,631 deinorsv 8 20,206
25973 undivested 6,631 deinstuv 8 20,204
25974 congressed 6,631 cdegnors 8 20,201
25975 suturation 6,632 ainorstu 8 20,193
25976 weaselfish 6,632 aefhilsw 8 20,192
25977 erythrasma 6,632 aehmrsty 8 20,195
25978 hippometer 6,632 ehimoprt 8 20,194
25979 exposition 6,632 einopstx 8 20,196
25980 infanthood 6,633 adfhinot 8 20,189