10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26021 arrenotoky 6,639 aeknorty 8 20,154
26022 descensory 6,639 cdenorsy 8 20,153
26023 solidarist 6,640 adilorst 8 20,146
26024 reissuable 6,640 abeilrsu 8 20,145
26025 attingency 6,640 aceginty 8 20,147
26026 goalkeeper 6,640 aegklopr 8 20,148
26027 mainlander 6,640 adeilmnr 8 20,144
26028 fertilizes 6,641 efilrstz 8 20,139
26029 injections 6,641 ceijnost 8 20,143
26030 ayacahuite 6,641 acehituy 8 20,137
26031 chileanize 6,641 acehilnz 8 20,138
26032 nongrieved 6,641 deginorv 8 20,142
26033 mineralize 6,641 aeilmnrz 8 20,141
26034 torturable 6,641 abelortu 8 20,140
26035 wholesaled 6,641 adehlosw 8 20,136
26036 saracenism 6,642 aceimnrs 8 20,135
26037 wretchless 6,642 cehlrstw 8 20,132
26038 gonorrheal 6,642 aeghlnor 8 20,131
26039 gallstones 6,642 aeglnost 8 20,130
26040 xenarthral 6,642 aehlnrtx 8 20,133