10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26521 stalkiness 6,701 aeiklnst 8 19,656
26522 beadhouses 6,701 abdehosu 8 19,652
26523 cheventayn 6,701 acehntvy 8 19,657
26524 forritsome 6,702 efimorst 8 19,645
26525 redissolve 6,702 deilorsv 8 19,646
26526 animalised 6,702 adeilmns 8 19,644
26527 ostreiform 6,702 efimorst 8 19,647
26528 levitating 6,703 aegilntv 8 19,640
26529 acetylenic 6,703 aceilnty 8 19,641
26530 fortescure 6,703 ceforstu 8 19,639
26531 weightless 6,703 eghilstw 8 19,642
26532 thalarctos 6,703 achlorst 8 19,643
26533 apostolian 6,704 ailnopst 8 19,634
26534 silicoidea 6,704 acdeilos 8 19,637
26535 heterodoxy 6,704 dehortxy 8 19,635
26536 unthatched 6,704 acdehntu 8 19,636
26537 foredivine 6,704 definorv 8 19,638
26538 bronzitite 6,705 beinortz 8 19,629
26539 troughster 6,705 eghorstu 8 19,626
26540 demodulate 6,705 adelmotu 8 19,631