10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26561 isopterous 6,707 eioprstu 8 19,610
26562 acetylurea 6,708 acelrtuy 8 19,608
26563 malingerer 6,708 aegilmnr 8 19,609
26564 coadequate 6,708 acdeoqtu 8 19,606
26565 voetganger 6,708 aegnortv 8 19,607
26566 reclaimers 6,709 aceilmrs 8 19,598
26567 isoborneol 6,709 beilnors 8 19,601
26568 greenwoods 6,709 degnorsw 8 19,599
26569 answerable 6,709 abelnrsw 8 19,603
26570 bloomeries 6,709 beilmors 8 19,604
26571 overriches 6,709 cehiorsv 8 19,605
26572 hemicrania 6,709 acehimnr 8 19,600
26573 anarthrous 6,709 ahnorstu 8 19,602
26574 degreasing 6,710 adeginrs 8 19,593
26575 prekantian 6,710 aeiknprt 8 19,597
26576 unenriched 6,710 cdehinru 8 19,590
26577 sultriness 6,710 eilnrstu 8 19,589
26578 outskirter 6,710 eikorstu 8 19,594
26579 pyrrhotite 6,710 ehioprty 8 19,596
26580 cradleside 6,710 acdeilrs 8 19,592