10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26601 brocatelle 6,712 abcelort 8 19,578
26602 munitioned 6,713 deimnotu 8 19,563
26603 exaspidean 6,713 adeinpsx 8 19,561
26604 luncheoner 6,713 cehlnoru 8 19,568
26605 abeyancies 6,713 abceinsy 8 19,564
26606 undeported 6,713 denoprtu 8 19,567
26607 twanginess 6,713 aeginstw 8 19,566
26608 preearthly 6,713 aehlprty 8 19,569
26609 bisections 6,713 bceinost 8 19,565
26610 fetterbush 6,713 befhrstu 8 19,562
26611 reshoulder 6,714 dehlorsu 8 19,558
26612 chitarrino 6,714 achinort 8 19,553
26613 chitarroni 6,714 achinort 8 19,554
26614 timbersome 6,714 beimorst 8 19,559
26615 ensignhood 6,714 deghinos 8 19,552
26616 perineural 6,714 aeilnpru 8 19,555
26617 protozoean 6,714 aenoprtz 8 19,556
26618 shoulderer 6,714 dehlorsu 8 19,560
26619 relishable 6,714 abehilrs 8 19,557
26620 araneiform 6,715 aefimnor 8 19,544