10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27181 defailance 6,785 acdefiln 8 18,995
27182 comeatable 6,785 abcelmot 8 18,994
27183 totalising 6,786 agilnost 8 18,982
27184 meterstick 6,786 ceikmrst 8 18,985
27185 hemianopia 6,786 aehimnop 8 18,983
27186 diphtheria 6,786 adehiprt 8 18,987
27187 lengthsmen 6,786 eghlmnst 8 18,984
27188 flattening 6,786 aefgilnt 8 18,988
27189 naturalist 6,786 ailnrstu 8 18,986
27190 flirtation 6,787 afilnort 8 18,980
27191 sarawakite 6,787 aeikrstw 8 18,974
27192 antorbital 6,787 abilnort 8 18,977
27193 typewrites 6,787 eiprstwy 8 18,981
27194 sexavalent 6,787 aelnstvx 8 18,975
27195 remodifies 6,787 defimors 8 18,976
27196 filtration 6,787 afilnort 8 18,979
27197 extuberant 6,787 abenrtux 8 18,978
27198 harnessing 6,788 aeghinrs 8 18,972
27199 needlebush 6,788 bdehlnsu 8 18,963
27200 noneagerly 6,788 aeglnory 8 18,964