10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27201 disscepter 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,970
27202 dissceptre 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,971
27203 delegating 6,788 adegilnt 8 18,965
27204 syncretist 6,788 ceinrsty 8 18,967
27205 heliophyte 6,788 ehilopty 8 18,973
27206 unerasable 6,788 abelnrsu 8 18,968
27207 precontemn 6,788 cemnoprt 8 18,966
27208 disrespect 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,969
27209 apprentice 6,789 aceinprt 8 18,954
27210 conciliate 6,789 aceilnot 8 18,957
27211 avenaceous 6,789 acenosuv 8 18,955
27212 cetologist 6,789 cegilost 8 18,956
27213 maturation 6,789 aimnortu 8 18,960
27214 disenchain 6,789 acdehins 8 18,958
27215 natatorium 6,789 aimnortu 8 18,962
27216 imaginated 6,789 adegimnt 8 18,959
27217 grassation 6,789 aginorst 8 18,961
27218 anemoscope 6,789 acemnops 8 18,953
27219 forwearied 6,790 adefiorw 8 18,947
27220 arctogaeal 6,790 aceglort 8 18,952