10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27461 paratitlon 6,820 ailnoprt 8 18,711
27462 discretive 6,820 cdeirstv 8 18,709
27463 metabiosis 6,820 abeimost 8 18,710
27464 antitropal 6,820 ailnoprt 8 18,707
27465 directives 6,820 cdeirstv 8 18,708
27466 sharepenny 6,821 aehnprsy 8 18,702
27467 crassament 6,821 acemnrst 8 18,698
27468 uteroscope 6,821 ceoprstu 8 18,705
27469 dentalized 6,821 adeilntz 8 18,699
27470 unexternal 6,821 aelnrtux 8 18,704
27471 sacraments 6,821 acemnrst 8 18,701
27472 retwisting 6,821 eginrstw 8 18,700
27473 unexcreted 6,821 cdenrtux 8 18,703
27474 cinematize 6,822 aceimntz 8 18,689
27475 unvitiated 6,822 adeintuv 8 18,693
27476 inoneuroma 6,822 aeimnoru 8 18,697
27477 backtenter 6,822 abceknrt 8 18,690
27478 underwheel 6,822 dehlnruw 8 18,692
27479 nonvintage 6,822 aeginotv 8 18,691
27480 fenouillet 6,822 efilnotu 8 18,695