10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27521 sunderance 6,827 acdenrsu 8 18,646
27522 escutcheon 6,827 cehnostu 8 18,645
27523 reportable 6,827 abeloprt 8 18,647
27524 hematozoan 6,827 aehmnotz 8 18,648
27525 abnegative 6,827 abegintv 8 18,650
27526 mannerhood 6,827 adehmnor 8 18,649
27527 extincteur 6,828 ceinrtux 8 18,638
27528 dioscorein 6,828 cdeinors 8 18,639
27529 dioscorine 6,828 cdeinors 8 18,640
27530 tinctorial 6,828 acilnort 8 18,641
27531 reconfined 6,828 cdefinor 8 18,637
27532 tularaemia 6,828 aeilmrtu 8 18,643
27533 veratridin 6,828 adeinrtv 8 18,644
27534 trinoctial 6,828 acilnort 8 18,642
27535 dolomitise 6,829 deilmost 8 18,632
27536 rheuminess 6,829 ehimnrsu 8 18,635
27537 spiritweed 6,829 deiprstw 8 18,636
27538 reundulate 6,829 adelnrtu 8 18,634
27539 overinsure 6,829 einorsuv 8 18,633
27540 depudorate 6,830 adeoprtu 8 18,625