10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27601 thiophenol 6,838 ehilnopt 8 18,576
27602 habituated 6,838 abdehitu 8 18,570
27603 predeposit 6,839 deioprst 8 18,567
27604 piratelike 6,839 aeiklprt 8 18,566
27605 confessant 6,839 acefnost 8 18,561
27606 hippelates 6,839 aehilpst 8 18,563
27607 instructer 6,839 ceinrstu 8 18,564
27608 molalities 6,839 aeilmost 8 18,559
27609 disenslave 6,839 adeilnsv 8 18,562
27610 intercrust 6,839 ceinrstu 8 18,565
27611 reinstruct 6,839 ceinrstu 8 18,568
27612 motiveless 6,839 eilmostv 8 18,560
27613 thermotype 6,840 ehmoprty 8 18,555
27614 phytometer 6,840 ehmoprty 8 18,556
27615 creakiness 6,840 aceiknrs 8 18,554
27616 imposement 6,840 eimnopst 8 18,553
27617 overpraise 6,840 aeioprsv 8 18,558
27618 reemphasis 6,840 aehimprs 8 18,557
27619 lansquenet 6,841 aelnqstu 8 18,550
27620 tetramorph 6,841 aehmoprt 8 18,548