10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27581 toxihaemia 6,836 aehimotx 8 18,586
27582 conferment 6,836 cefmnort 8 18,584
27583 legatorial 6,836 aegilort 8 18,583
27584 uredineous 6,836 deinorsu 8 18,589
27585 underspent 6,836 denprstu 8 18,587
27586 afterwrist 6,836 aefirstw 8 18,591
27587 mesometric 6,836 ceimorst 8 18,590
27588 undetached 6,836 acdehntu 8 18,588
27589 oleothorax 6,837 aehlortx 8 18,581
27590 insectlike 6,837 ceiklnst 8 18,582
27591 euthytatic 6,837 acehituy 8 18,579
27592 nonuseable 6,837 abelnosu 8 18,580
27593 serologist 6,838 egilorst 8 18,575
27594 harpalinae 6,838 aehilnpr 8 18,571
27595 acanthuses 6,838 acehnstu 8 18,572
27596 unanimated 6,838 adeimntu 8 18,577
27597 sanctifies 6,838 acefinst 8 18,574
27598 desalinize 6,838 adeilnsz 8 18,569
27599 lithophone 6,838 ehilnopt 8 18,573
27600 unexercise 6,838 ceinrsux 8 18,578