10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28021 heresimach 6,893 acehimrs 8 18,147
28022 agrosterol 6,893 aeglorst 8 18,152
28023 pianistiec 6,893 aceinpst 8 18,149
28024 trawlermen 6,893 aelmnrtw 8 18,145
28025 vaporettos 6,893 aeoprstv 8 18,146
28026 midstories 6,893 deimorst 8 18,150
28027 countermen 6,894 cemnortu 8 18,144
28028 unbartered 6,894 abdenrtu 8 18,138
28029 univariate 6,894 aeinrtuv 8 18,140
28030 uninvested 6,894 deinstuv 8 18,139
28031 carbineers 6,894 abceinrs 8 18,142
28032 allochetia 6,894 acehilot 8 18,141
28033 castellano 6,894 acelnost 8 18,143
28034 severalize 6,895 aeilrsvz 8 18,137
28035 unlamented 6,895 adelmntu 8 18,132
28036 heliconian 6,895 acehilno 8 18,134
28037 abhorrence 6,895 abcehnor 8 18,133
28038 collegiate 6,895 acegilot 8 18,136
28039 malentendu 6,895 adelmntu 8 18,135
28040 unreliance 6,896 aceilnru 8 18,130