10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28061 aberdonian 6,898 abdeinor 8 18,112
28062 nemoricole 6,898 ceilmnor 8 18,110
28063 distilment 6,898 deilmnst 8 18,108
28064 thematical 6,899 acehilmt 8 18,104
28065 depeculate 6,899 acdelptu 8 18,103
28066 equipotent 6,899 einopqtu 8 18,107
28067 ecphonesis 6,899 cehinops 8 18,106
28068 trioecious 6,899 ceiorstu 8 18,105
28069 systolated 6,899 adelosty 8 18,102
28070 topnotcher 6,900 cehnoprt 8 18,096
28071 tentacular 6,900 acelnrtu 8 18,095
28072 fosterhood 6,900 defhorst 8 18,099
28073 nuthatches 6,900 acehnstu 8 18,098
28074 disennoble 6,900 bdeilnos 8 18,093
28075 hysterosis 6,900 ehiorsty 8 18,100
28076 undateable 6,900 abdelntu 8 18,097
28077 ineloquent 6,900 eilnoqtu 8 18,101
28078 syntonised 6,900 deinosty 8 18,094
28079 pheromones 6,900 ehmnoprs 8 18,092
28080 renunciant 6,901 aceinrtu 8 18,091