10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29241 mastomenia 7,080 aeimnost 8 16,933
29242 yestermorn 7,081 emnorsty 8 16,927
29243 teagardeny 7,081 adegnrty 8 16,923
29244 outstretch 7,081 cehorstu 8 16,928
29245 cetologies 7,081 cegilost 8 16,924
29246 delegacies 7,081 acdegils 8 16,925
29247 triarchies 7,081 acehirst 8 16,929
29248 watertight 7,081 aeghirtw 8 16,926
29249 bothersome 7,082 behmorst 8 16,918
29250 deathtraps 7,082 adehprst 8 16,921
29251 shoaliness 7,082 aehilnos 8 16,922
29252 latewhiles 7,082 aehilstw 8 16,920
29253 divestment 7,082 deimnstv 8 16,919
29254 arenilitic 7,083 aceilnrt 8 16,917
29255 enigmatist 7,083 aegimnst 8 16,915
29256 estimating 7,083 aegimnst 8 16,916
29257 fianchetti 7,084 acefhint 8 16,912
29258 platinated 7,084 adeilnpt 8 16,913
29259 waterbrose 7,084 abeorstw 8 16,914
29260 acouometer 7,084 acemortu 8 16,911