10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29301 metrostyle 7,092 elmorsty 8 16,872
29302 stylometer 7,092 elmorsty 8 16,871
29303 greenflies 7,093 efgilnrs 8 16,868
29304 enthroning 7,093 eghinort 8 16,866
29305 forestaves 7,093 aeforstv 8 16,867
29306 trichinise 7,093 cehinrst 8 16,864
29307 unstrident 7,093 deinrstu 8 16,865
29308 rheologies 7,094 eghilors 8 16,857
29309 unfastened 7,094 adefnstu 8 16,863
29310 recontrive 7,094 ceinortv 8 16,856
29311 cotangents 7,094 acegnost 8 16,861
29312 tichorhine 7,094 cehinort 8 16,862
29313 electrican 7,094 aceilnrt 8 16,858
29314 canephoroe 7,094 acehnopr 8 16,860
29315 anelectric 7,094 aceilnrt 8 16,859
29316 cartoonist 7,095 acinorst 8 16,853
29317 inadequate 7,095 adeinqtu 8 16,852
29318 penthouses 7,095 ehnopstu 8 16,855
29319 decolonise 7,095 cdeilnos 8 16,854
29320 scortation 7,095 acinorst 8 16,851