11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20161 repetticoat 8,500 aceioprt 8 20,160
20162 orchestrate 8,499 acehorst 8 20,162
20163 advoteresse 8,497 adeorstv 8 20,163
20164 berengelite 8,496 begilnrt 8 20,164
20165 oreotragine 8,495 aeginort 8 20,165
20166 phenacetine 8,494 acehinpt 8 20,167
20167 perennation 8,494 aeinoprt 8 20,166
20168 meritedness 8,493 deimnrst 8 20,169
20169 phaethontes 8,493 aehnopst 8 20,168
20170 condottiere 8,491 cdeinort 8 20,170
20171 licentiates 8,490 aceilnst 8 20,172
20172 potentiator 8,490 aeinoprt 8 20,171
20173 heterognath 8,488 aeghnort 8 20,173
20174 denitration 8,488 adeinort 8 20,174
20175 meekhearted 8,486 adehkmrt 8 20,175
20176 hexanitrate 8,485 aehinrtx 8 20,176
20177 serendibite 8,484 bdeinrst 8 20,178
20178 foresettled 8,484 deflorst 8 20,177
20179 obtestation 8,483 abeinost 8 20,179
20180 mentalities 8,480 aeilmnst 8 20,180