11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20181 incinerates 8,479 aceinrst 8 20,181
20182 leathercoat 8,479 acehlort 8 20,182
20183 restorative 8,478 aeiorstv 8 20,183
20184 telepathist 8,477 aehilpst 8 20,184
20185 acetonaemia 8,476 aceimnot 8 20,187
20186 stactometer 8,476 acemorst 8 20,185
20187 retardation 8,476 adeinort 8 20,186
20188 metagenesis 8,474 aegimnst 8 20,189
20189 reoperation 8,474 aeinoprt 8 20,188
20190 treasonless 8,473 aelnorst 8 20,190
20191 nonesoteric 8,472 ceinorst 8 20,191
20192 decennaries 8,472 acdeinrs 8 20,192
20193 senectitude 8,471 cdeinstu 8 20,195
20194 lieutenants 8,471 aeilnstu 8 20,194
20195 dianthaceae 8,471 acdehint 8 20,193
20196 septenarian 8,471 aeinprst 8 20,196
20197 tectosphere 8,469 cehoprst 8 20,197
20198 undersettle 8,469 delnrstu 8 20,198
20199 aesthetical 8,468 acehilst 8 20,199
20200 interleaver 8,467 aeilnrtv 8 20,205