11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16381 torturingly 6,318 gilnortuy 9 16,372
16382 lotophagous 6,317 aghlopstu 9 16,385
16383 disobstruct 6,317 bcdiorstu 9 16,382
16384 bumbershoot 6,317 behmorstu 9 16,384
16385 feloniously 6,317 efilnosuy 9 16,383
16386 sanguisorba 6,316 abginorsu 9 16,386
16387 hypochonder 6,315 cdehnopry 9 16,391
16388 surfboarder 6,315 abdeforsu 9 16,387
16389 picturesque 6,315 ceipqrstu 9 16,392
16390 ungustatory 6,315 agnorstuy 9 16,389
16391 arabesquely 6,315 abelqrsuy 9 16,390
16392 overlooking 6,315 egiklnorv 9 16,388
16393 calibrating 6,314 abcgilnrt 9 16,396
16394 orchidotomy 6,314 cdhimorty 9 16,393
16395 spondylitis 6,314 dilnopsty 9 16,395
16396 slavocratic 6,314 acilorstv 9 16,394
16397 undissolved 6,313 deilnosuv 9 16,398
16398 cricketings 6,313 cegiknrst 9 16,397
16399 hyoplastral 6,313 ahloprsty 9 16,399
16400 triphibious 6,312 bhioprstu 9 16,404